Bugle Magazine is Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s signature publication. Published bimonthly and provided to all Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation members, Bugle Magazine explores issues affecting wildlife conservation, elk ecology, and hunting. Through this magazine, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation hopes to inspire all members to do more to protect and enhance elk country.
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Bugle Magazine

Fair Chase

Fair Chase is the official publication of the Boone and Crockett Club. In 1986, Boone and Crockett began publishing the Associates Newsletter. Fair Chase evolved from this original newsletter in 1994. Published quarterly, the magazine is a full-color magazine dedicated to hunting and conservation of North American big game. Fair Chase is available to all Boone and Crockett Associates. Each issue contains feature articles, as well as conservation and research studies.
Game Trails

Game Trails is the official publication of Dallas Safari Club. Written by industry experts and available exclusively to Dallas Safari Club members, Game Trails features news and industry reports, in addition to articles on conservation, the latest hunting gear, gadgets, and adventure tales from far-flung locales.
Hunt Forever

Hunt Forever was a print publication of Safari Club International which won the prestigious “Communicator Award” in 2006. It has since been transformed into an award-winning blog.
Mountain Hunter

Published 3 times a year, Mountain Hunter is the signature professional hunting magazine of the Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia. It is distributed to hunters worldwide, and features adventure stories and amazing experiences from guide outfitters in British Columbia and the Yukon, as well as articles by well-known conservationists pertaining to wildlife management and sustainable use.
Safari Magazine

Safari Magazine is an official publication of Safari Club International and a premier magazine enjoyed by the international hunting community. It is published bimonthly in a “coffee table style” that features lavish illustrations, and includes regular columns on the lives and lifestyles of Safari Club International’s members, professional hunter profiles, reviews of guns and ammunition, and articles about conservation and wildlife management.
Sports Afield

Sports Afield, America’s oldest outdoor magazine, is a magazine for serious hunters who like to read about and experience real adventure. It serves people who have a passion for hunting big game around the world, and focuses on Western North America and Africa. Sports Afield’s primary goal is to inspire hunters with exciting adventure stories about the most desirable game species. The magazine strives to provide articles that cover top hunting destinations; the right tools, gear and skills; and conservation issues.
The Antigonish Review

The Antigonish Review is a quarterly literary journal published by St. Francis Xavier University. It features poetry, fiction, and reviews and critical articles from Canada and around the world using original graphics to enliven the format. For forty years, The Antigonish Review has consistently published works by emerging and established writers.
The P & Y Ethic: The Journal of the Pope and Young Club

The P & Y Ethic is subtitled the journal of the Pope and Young Club, and is that organization’s official publication. The magazine is published four times a year and distributed to Pope and Young’s members, friends, and other supporters. The Pope and Young Club is dedicated to ensuring bow hunting for future generations by preserving and promoting its heritage and values.
The Wildlife Professional

The Wildlife Professional is an official publication of The Wildlife Society which publishes timely and scientifically sound news and information reflecting the interests and concerns of professionals who work in fields related to wildlife management and conservation. The magazine’s unique approach combines scholarly and popular writing styles. Published bimonthly, The Wildlife Professional is sent to all members of The Wildlife Society, and is also accessible as a digital publication.
Wild Sheep

Wild Sheep is the premier publication of the Wild Sheep Foundation, an organization dedicated to enhancing wild sheep populations; promoting professional wildlife management; and educating the public, and particularly youth, on sustainable use and the conservation benefits of hunting while promoting the interests of the hunter and all stakeholders. Each full-color issue is loaded with stunning nature photography, compelling feature articles, updates on wildlife conservation efforts, and the latest Foundation news.
Wisconsin Outdoor News

Founded in 1968, Wisconsin Outdoor News covers the local hunting and fishing scene, and is considered by many to be the “watch dog” for Wisconsin sportsmen. Wisconsin’s hunter, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts rely on Outdoor News to provide the most up-to-date, local, outdoor information available. It’s part of the Outdoor News family of publications, which also features outdoor newspapers and websites in seven other states.